Wednesday, January 9, 2013

This is the Modem World: How did this happen?

_Each week [Joshua Fruhlinger]( contributes [This is the Modem World](, a column dedicated to exploring the culture of consumer technology._

[![DNP This is the Modem World How did this happen](](

My first computer was a Commodore VIC-20. My second was an Apple //e. Every computer after that was an Apple: Mac SE, PowerBook 100, PowerBook G3, PowerBook G4, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air. I also use an iPhone 5. Yeah, I'm predictable.

But I'm not an Apple fanboy. I don't really care what kind of computer you use. Do your thing. I just know these products forwards and backwards and they don't get in the way when I want to get things done.

And now here I am at CES, and everywhere I look I'm seeing Apple products. [iPhones](, [MacBooks](, [iPads](, the whole lot. Sure, there are tons of Android and Windows devices, but if you had told me years ago that Apple would be everywhere at the year's biggest nerdvention, I would have said you were insane.

[Continue reading _This is the Modem World: How did this happen?_](



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